How secure is Eepos?
We take information and data security very seriously and we take actions regularly in order to guarantee world class security level.
All the connections are secured by SSL-connection. Sensitive information and credentials are encrypted when stored in our databases. All the alterations to the system are logged and back-ups are taken every two hours, every day and every week.
We perform security checks and audits regularly and all vulnerabilities and programming standards are evaluated carefully. Our last external security audit was performed in May 2021.
Besides the audits, we are currently applying for an international information security certificate called ISO 27001. The certificate would verify that our information security, data protection and data handling measures are on an internationally acknowledged level. In practise this would mean that we base our operations on clear standards and protocols and that we take security into account in everything we do.
We are entering stage one of this certification in fall of 2021.