Instructions for student & guardian, elementary school & high school

This page provides instructions for using the basic functions of Eepos as student or guardian

What is Eepos?

Eepos is an information system designed for educational institutions that maintains the personal information of the student and his or her guardian, as well as the student’s study information. Eepos is used by more than 100 Finnish educational institutions.

Our goal is to help the educational institution in organizing its activities and at the same time clarify the flow of information between the educational institution, the teacher, the student and the parent, as well as the affairs of families.

Connections to the service are secure and sensitive and important information is encrypted before being stored in a database.

How to log in?

Each school will have its own Eepos address in the form (school-specific address) The service is available on all major browsers and works on computers and mobile devices.

If something doesn't work, where can I ask for help?

We maintain electronic support request form, that allows a student or guardian to request support in a variety of situations. The form can be found on the Eepos front page of each school (school-specific address)

Problems about your studies?

If your problem is related to studying, student or guardian usernames, teaching, course choices, or other school matters, select “Contact School” when filling the form. In this situation, the information you provide will be directed to the system administrators (principals, secretaries and other administration).

A technical problem

If you are unable to use any of the features, you receive an error message from the system, or you think something is not working properly, select “Contact Support” when filling the form. In this situation, your notification will be directed to the developers of the Eepos system, who will respond to your question within approximately 1 business day. In addition, we receive support requests to the e-mail address

If your username or password is lost

If you do not remember your password or username, you can submit electronic support request form, that allows a student or guardian to request support in a variety of situations. The form can be found on the Eepos front page of each school (school-specific address)

Elementary and high school students should request new usernames from the school’s IT support.

Guardians can request a password or ID reset by e-mail at Alternatively, guardians can also submit support request using the support request form. The form can be found on the Eepos front page of each school (school-specific address)

Teachers should request new IDs from school administration or IT support.

Following up on homework

The student and guardian can follow the homework immediately after logging in to Eepos on the Timeline page.

  1. Log in to Epic with the student or guardian ID
    1. If you are logging in to Epic with a Guardian ID, after logging in, select the student whose information you want to browse on the right side of the page.
  2. After logging in, you are automatically on the timeline. On this page, you can see the comments (homework) left by the teachers in groups from the latest to the oldest. To scroll through the comments, scroll up or down the page.

Explanation of absence

After the student and parent log in, the Lesson remarks page lists all the absences recorded for the students. Explanations for the absences are also recorded on this page.

This is how you send out explanation for previous absence

  1. Absences requiring clarification are listed at the top of the Lesson remarks page on a daily basis. Click the “Clear Absences” button for selected day
  2. In the pop-up window, you will see the absences that require an explanation from the selected day. Enter an explanation of the absences in the text field of the window
  3. Finally press Submit explanation
  4. Your report will be sent to the student’s class supervisor / tutor, who will change the status for selected absences according to the statement provided by the guardian (if the reason for the absence is sick leave and not unauthorized absence, etc.).

Reporting of sick leave

After guardian or student over 18 logs in, there is a button on the right sidebar of the user interface to report sick leave.

This is how you report sick leave to your school

  1. Log in to Epic using the Guardian ID
  2. After logging in, you will find the “Report sick leave” button on the right side of the user interface. Click the button to get started
  3. In the pop-up window, you can report your absence for the current day by 12 noon or for tomorrow. Select the days for the report.
  4. Select the student to whom the notification applies
  5. Select the reason for absence (depending on the school, there may be 1 or more reasons from where you can select)
  6. Enter a text explanation of your absence in the text field
  7. Finally, press Send report

Absence information is sent to the class administrator who processes the notification and updates the absence entries for the lessons according to the notification.

Direct messages

Direct messages allow teachers, students, and caregivers to communicate securely. On the Direct messages page, messages are separated into incoming, sent, and draft messages. You can also delete messages by moving them to the Trash.

This is how you send an message

  1. Log in to Eepos open the Direct messages page
  2. To get started, click the New Message button at the top right of the page
  3. Select a recipient. The page lists teachers related to the guardian / student, but you can also search for a teacher by name
  4. Enter the message subject and content of the message in their own fields
    • If necessary, you can save the message as a draft (which you can find later on the Drafts tab) and continue writing it later.
  5. Press the green Send Message button to send the message

Updating personal information

The guardian can update the students as well as their own personal information in the Eepos system. Students over 18 years old can update their own personal information.

This is how you update your personal information

  1. Login to Eepos as a student or adult guardian
    • If you are logging in as a guardian, after logging in, select the person whose information you want to update (your personal data or student data) on the right side panel.
  2. Go to the My Information page
  3. Please update your contact and personal information in the fields on the page
  4. When the information is updated, click Update Information at the bottom of the page

Note, if you want to update more than one person’s information as a guardian, you can switch from one person to another on the right side of the page by selecting the person’s name

Enrolling to courses

Instructions coming soon

Booking appointments

The student and the guardian can book appointment times set up by the teachers

  1. Log in to Eepos as a student or guardian
  2. From the main menu, go to the Appointments page
  3. Select “Book an appointment” at the top of the page
  4. In the window that opens, fill in the required information
    1. Choose a teacher from whom you are scheduling the appointmet
    2. Select an appointment type
    3. In the date field of the appointment, you can see in the calendar the days when the teacher has appointments to be booked, select the day by clicking on the calendar
    4. The appointment times for the selected day are listed on the right side of the window. Click on the time to select the most appropriate time
    5. To select more participants for the meeting, tick the students and guardians who will be attending the meeting.
  5. Finally, press Book the appointment